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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Start Me Up

My morning routine is crucial to my day. And since we've moved I've had a hard time implementing my beloved rising practices. But today I finally got a chance to start my morning the way I like.. with a serene yoga sesh, a grounding meditation, a blissful outlook, and an open gateway to creativity. 

Yoga is creative movement, and I feel best when I allow my practice to guide me. I listen to my body, dive into the present moment, and freely move wherever my heart desires. It's these precious moments, where my mind, body, and soul sync up to create art that I feel I am expressing my true self. It's liberating and empowering yet grounding and humbling. 

I love to complete my practice with a short meditation. I am still learning to dive inward, so I use a guided meditation to help me fine stillness. This is the one I listened to this morning. Check it out! And tell me what you think! Also, I'm always looking to try something new! Do you have any suggestions? I would love to trancesnt to them.

Ounce I've got my mind right and body is feeling refreshed, my soul starts to shine through. I'm instantly happier, eager for fun, and enjoy the simple things like making breakfast, brushing my teeth and getting ready. Being the creative being that I am, its probably no surprise that I LOVE creating outfits. My style allows me to express myself. And each day brings a new element to the table. So here's today mood! After listening to Stevie Nicks, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and The Rolling Stones Pandora, I decided it was a slashed leggings and oversized sweater kind if a day. 

Here's a glimpse of some of the details. Pardon the angle, I tried to make due on my lunch break! 

With such a beautiful day outside, it's hard to not have a wonderful day. But I know that my morning regime allowed me to open up today's wonder with welcoming arms and gratitude. 

And for that I am thankful. And still ready for action. Cuz' once I start I'll never stop ;)


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